To ensure keg repair doesn’t incur any transportation costs, we have fully equipped workshop mobiles which we use to access the kegs at the brewery or logistician’s premises. Otherwise, feel free to send the damaged kegs to our two locations in Europe!
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We determine the following keg qualities using state-of-the-art measuring equipment and working together with a material testing institute.
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One of our company’s particular strengths lies in developing and manufacturing equipment and machines for repairing kegs.
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Efficiently, in advance
As a leading national and international service provider for keg repair work, we at Ellmers GmbH have been using specially developed and patented machinery to offer our brewery customers all kinds of keg repair services and customised solutions quickly and efficiently since 1994.
In order to be mobile and flexible, we come directly to the brewery in our workshop mobiles, equipped with all the special machinery, tools and test equipment. Our specially trained staff efficiently work on, repair and service the old, dented, defective or rusted kegs on site to make them as good as new.
We’ll gladly advise you!
International Mobile Keg Repair Service
Kegs are the ideal vessel for transporting beer hygienically in reusable containers. As the kegs are made completely of stainless steel, they are very easy to clean, de-dent, weld, re-mould and polish. These very tasks describe our passion, and we offer international and mobile services.
Hereby we want to offer our brewery clients an application of the colour ring!
moreWith this campaign we want to offer our partners a Full-Service-Package all around 20L-Kegs.
moreCurrently we developed a new General overhaul machine, which is available for long-term rental.
moreWe proudly announce the collaboration with GNKS (Global Network Keg Services).